Sunday, December 17, 2006
Two Days! Two Days!
Love you all,
Monday, December 11, 2006
LG and Currys
The LG wall. The bright light in the corner is the LG logo that lights up and doesn't photograph well apparently. Those TVs are 42" and 50" and look much bigger in person.
Another shot of the wall with the blinding light. If you can't read it the price on the 42" Plasma on top is 1199 GBP - appr. $2400!
This is the 42" LCD that I was initially in charge of working with primarily. They sold so well in the NE part of the country (where we are located) that LG had to cap the orders and has now discontinued the model. Currys sold the display model on Sunday afternoon after I took this picture.

Friday, December 08, 2006
Starbucks in Newcastle

Around Durham
The train station is up on a hill overlooking the City Centre of Durham where the Castle, Cathedral and University are located. This picture is of the Castle coming through the trees with some of the town buildings around it.
Another shot of the Cathedral taken from the bridge.
One more of the Upper City Centre. Sorry about the sun glare.
This is St. Cuthbert's Church. One of the oldest churches in Durham. They still hold weekly services here. There is a pretty extensive graveyard around the church building. Some of the graves date back hundreds of years.
This is the gate leading from the road to St. Cuthbert's Church. It is always open. You may not be able to read it but the inscription says, "Greater love hath no man than he lay his life down for a friend."
This is the Bridge Hotel and Pub one of our favorite places to eat. The food is so good and it is just a fun place to be. They rent out rooms on the top floor.
A street of row homes that I pass walking into Durham. This is pretty typical of most of the homes here in Durham. We see worker trucks outside a lot and think that the owners are probably updating the homes to be more modern.
This is St. Leonards, a housing development right in front of our apartment building. They most closely resemble townhomes with 2 or 3 per building. They sell for between 300,000 GBP and 400,000 GBP ($600,000 - $800,000) and are considered good homes for the thirty-something small family / couples demographic.
The back of one of the St. Leonards townhome buildings. You can somewhat see the way the small yards are layed out.
And finally, Keenan House, our building. There are close to 70 apartments in our building. We are on the back of the building facing the new hospital. It is nice because there is a little grassy area and then the hospital parking lot.

Rabbits...For Anslee
Tonight we are up REALLY late and have our living room windows open. A few minutes ago Chris walked by the windows and started whispering for me to come over - there were 2 rabbits right outside eating grass. So cute! We tried to take a few pictures but it was just too dark and the flash wouldn't reach. Our windows back up to a small grassy area where we think they might live.
Anyway, I thought that I would post in honor of the Hagan family pet rabbits! :)
Chris Ferebee, Conductor

We are in serious countdown mode until we are in Atlanta - 1 week, 5 days! We will see everyone soon! Early Merry Christmas!