Monday, August 22, 2011

My world

Never-ending Energy

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have to be out by 8:30AM?

Two weeks into my new part-time job and I have had the following revelations:

- 6:00AM is really early, especially when your two-year old is having separation issues and insists you (only you!) lay in her bed from 2:00AM to 3:00AM. Thankfully, this only lasted for three nights but it was exhausting.

- My husband is much more fun than I am. Oh the things that the two of them have come up with to keep themselves entertained. I have heard about tree-top houses in the woods, pillow forts in the living room and some crazy chase game that doesn't seem to have any point outside of making a certain little someone very tired. She is loving every minute!

- How often does a person really need to dust? It is not like it is a hygiene issue like, say the bathrooms...oh, I better go clean the bathrooms!

- Even when you get up at 6:00AM you will spend the last 6 minutes before running out the door looking for your keys, your phone and quite possibly one of your shoes.

- Speaking of shoes. One half of my favorite pair of shoes has gone missing. We have turned the flat upside down looking for it with no luck. I am little bit concerned that Maddie keeps insisting that it jumped out the window and is now outside in the grass. While there seems to be no evidence that my pretty red shoe is outside our windows, it is quite possible that a very fashion-conscious badger is sporting a nice addition to her nest.

- Skinny heels work really well in Oxford. It will be all about my boots this fall.

- My love for all things Microsoft Outlook and Excel has not diminished at all. They make my heart go pitter-patter every morning! My new boss asked if I could fix some old spreadsheets to make them more user friendly and I couldn't say yes fast enough.

- A lot of people ride the buses into Oxford city centre. I mean, A LOT of people. I had to wait for four buses to go by before I could squeeze myself onto one. Even then I was practically sitting in the driver's lap. This could be why all the buses stop for me now. I might have a reputation.

- After five years I still love to see the Mrs. in front of my name. Sadly, there aren't many occasions for this outside of work so when emails to Mrs Ferebee come through I get a little smile. :)

- I have no idea what I am doing but we are figuring it out!